👪 Arecaceae (Rhapis excelsa)

🌿  Nᴏᴍᴇ(s)Pᴏᴘᴜʟᴀʀ(ᴇs)  Palmeira-rápis, Jupati, Palmeira-de-hong-kong, Palmeira-dama, Palmeira-ráfia, Ráfis, Rápis[Por]; Broadleaf lady palm, Bamboo Palm,  Fern Rhapis, Ground Rattan, Miniature Fan Palm, Slender Lady Palm, The lady palm[Ing]; Palmerita-china , Palma-bambú[Esp]; Zhong zhu[Chi]; Rhapispalme, Steckenpalme, Chinese windmolenpalm[Ale]; Palmier éventail, Rhapis en éventail, Rhapis à feuilles larges[Fra]; Palma ventaglio[Ita]; Gwan eum jook, Gwan eum juk[Coréia]; Zhong zhu[Outros].  Sɪɴᴏɴíᴍɪᴀ  Chamaerops excelsa, Rhapis divaricata, Rhapis flabelliformis, Trachycarpus excelsus.

Palmeira-rápis, Jupati, Palmeira-de-hong-kong, Palmeira-dama, Palmeira-ráfia, Ráfis, Rápis[Por]; Broadleaf lady palm, Bamboo Palm,  Fern Rhapis, Ground Rattan, Miniature Fan Palm, Slender Lady Palm, The lady palm[Ing]; Palmerita-china , Palma-bambú[Esp]; Zhong zhu[Chi]; Rhapispalme, Steckenpalme, Chinese windmolenpalm[Ale]; Palmier éventail, Rhapis en éventail, Rhapis à feuilles larges[Fra]; Palma ventaglio[Ita]; Gwan eum jook, Gwan eum juk[Coréia]; Zhong zhu[Outros].

Sɪɴᴏɴíᴍɪᴀ  Chamaerops excelsa, Rhapis divaricata, Rhapis flabelliformis, Trachycarpus excelsus.
🌿  Nᴏᴍᴇ(s)Pᴏᴘᴜʟᴀʀ(ᴇs)  Palmeira-rápis, Jupati, Palmeira-de-hong-kong, Palmeira-dama, Palmeira-ráfia, Ráfis, Rápis[Por]; Broadleaf lady palm, Bamboo Palm,  Fern Rhapis, Ground Rattan, Miniature Fan Palm, Slender Lady Palm, The lady palm[Ing]; Palmerita-china , Palma-bambú[Esp]; Zhong zhu[Chi]; Rhapispalme, Steckenpalme, Chinese windmolenpalm[Ale]; Palmier éventail, Rhapis en éventail, Rhapis à feuilles larges[Fra]; Palma ventaglio[Ita]; Gwan eum jook, Gwan eum juk[Coréia]; Zhong zhu[Outros].  Sɪɴᴏɴíᴍɪᴀ  Chamaerops excelsa, Rhapis divaricata, Rhapis flabelliformis, Trachycarpus excelsus.

🌿  Nᴏᴍᴇ(s)Pᴏᴘᴜʟᴀʀ(ᴇs)  Palmeira-rápis, Jupati, Palmeira-de-hong-kong, Palmeira-dama, Palmeira-ráfia, Ráfis, Rápis[Por]; Broadleaf lady palm, Bamboo Palm,  Fern Rhapis, Ground Rattan, Miniature Fan Palm, Slender Lady Palm, The lady palm[Ing]; Palmerita-china , Palma-bambú[Esp]; Zhong zhu[Chi]; Rhapispalme, Steckenpalme, Chinese windmolenpalm[Ale]; Palmier éventail, Rhapis en éventail, Rhapis à feuilles larges[Fra]; Palma ventaglio[Ita]; Gwan eum jook, Gwan eum juk[Coréia]; Zhong zhu[Outros].  Sɪɴᴏɴíᴍɪᴀ  Chamaerops excelsa, Rhapis divaricata, Rhapis flabelliformis, Trachycarpus excelsus.

🌿  Nᴏᴍᴇ(s)Pᴏᴘᴜʟᴀʀ(ᴇs)  Palmeira-rápis, Jupati, Palmeira-de-hong-kong, Palmeira-dama, Palmeira-ráfia, Ráfis, Rápis[Por]; Broadleaf lady palm, Bamboo Palm,  Fern Rhapis, Ground Rattan, Miniature Fan Palm, Slender Lady Palm, The lady palm[Ing]; Palmerita-china , Palma-bambú[Esp]; Zhong zhu[Chi]; Rhapispalme, Steckenpalme, Chinese windmolenpalm[Ale]; Palmier éventail, Rhapis en éventail, Rhapis à feuilles larges[Fra]; Palma ventaglio[Ita]; Gwan eum jook, Gwan eum juk[Coréia]; Zhong zhu[Outros].  Sɪɴᴏɴíᴍɪᴀ  Chamaerops excelsa, Rhapis divaricata, Rhapis flabelliformis, Trachycarpus excelsus.

0813, Arecaceae, Interiores, Meia-sombra, PALMEIRAS, Touceira,


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